How to Apply

Admission Procedures

  1. Submit a completed application for admission with the $25 non-refundable application fee to the Office of Admissions.
  2. Submit an official high school transcript or an official GED or HSE transcript.
    • If you have completed 12 semester or 18 quarter hours of degree level coursework from a regionally accredited college or successful completion of a college level math and English course, a high school transcript or high school equivalency transcript is not required for Admissions.
    • Students applying for federal financial aid (PELL) must submit official high school transcripts.
  3. Request official post-secondary transcripts be sent from all colleges, universities, or other post-secondary institutions attended. These should be sent to the Admissions Office.
  4. Request official ACCUPLACER, SAT, or ACT test scores be sent to the Admissions Office or refer to our Admissions Assessment Policy found here for more options: Admissions Testing – Lanier Technical College.


Home School Student Admissions Procedures

Applicants who were home schooled and attended an accredited program must submit:

  • Annual progress reports or a final transcript for the equivalent of the homeschooled student’s junior and senior years;
  • The final progress report or transcript must include the graduation date.

Applicants who attended a non-accredited high school or home school must submit an official final transcript and one of the following:

  • Official scores from an assessment instrument meeting college established required minimums. These being SAT, ACT, PSAT, PreACT, or ACCUPLACER.
  • Successful completion of 12 hours of college coursework for credit that appears on an official college transcript.

Home Study Transcripts MUST include the following:

  • Full legal name of student and date of birth.
  • A minimum of junior and senior year high school courses with associated grades.
  • Cumulative GPA of high school coursework.
  • Graduation Date.
  • Signature of home study representative.

Applications are reviewed and processed on a first come, first served basis when the admissions file is complete. A file is considered complete when all transcripts, test scores and any other supporting documentation has been received. Admission decisions are made and applicants are formally accepted only when files are complete. Students are notified by email of their acceptance and upon acceptance will receive information regarding academic advisement and registration.



You must make a payment when you submit the online application. Payment methods include credit cards, or an electronic payment with a checking account number.


Official transcript means: sent directly from the releasing institution by mail, as an electronic transcript or in a hand delivered (unopened) envelope sealed by the releasing institution.

Admissions Scenarios

Lanier Tech does not allow a student to enroll in two different programs at the same time.
Applicants to Lanier Tech who have been previously enrolled at a postsecondary institution and desire entrance into the Practical Nursing program must meet all admissions requirements of transfer students. In addition, these applicants must submit a letter of reference from their instructor at the previous institution and adhere to the competitive admission process used by the Practical Nursing program at Lanier Tech. Applicants will then be admitted on a space available basis within the appropriate course sequence. Please click here for more information. Students dropped from the Practical Nursing program for attendance (i.e., maternity, health related, family illness, personal difficulties), academic reasons or students who have made less than a "C" in a nursing course will be allowed to repeat the course(s) one time only. Readmission to the program will be granted on a space-available basis within the appropriate course sequence and will be based on the date the student applied for readmission.
Students desiring to change programs must complete the appropriate forms and meet all the admissions standards for their new program of study. If the program to which the student is attempting to transfer has a waiting list, the student will be placed on the list in accordance with the date of application for transfer. The student will be notified by the Office of Admissions of his/her admission status into the new program. Change of program forms should be submitted prior to the posted semester application deadline to ensure timely processing.
Within a framework of personal guidance and evaluation, special services are provided for the disadvantaged and/or disabled student, and students with limited English proficiency. These services include aiding students in setting realistic goals, making reasonable accommodations, providing job orientation and placement, providing assistance in determining the degree and nature of the disability and/or disadvantage, and suggesting community service agencies for additional assistance. For further information, please contact the following:
For questions regarding a disability or accommodation, please contact:

Coordinator of Disability Services

For questions regarding a special populations programs, please contact:

Kari Register, Coordinator of Special Populations

For questions regarding career services, please contact:

Debbie Pruitt, Career Services Coordinator

Students who apply and are accepted but do not attend the term in which they are accepted for will be required to reapply to the College.

Students who have been out of school for only one semester and desire readmission into the same program are not required to reapply to the College for readmission. Students who have been out of school for two semesters or more will be required to reapply to the College for readmission under the curriculum in place at the time of re-enrollment. Navigate to your College Application Portal to re-apply by choosing “Apply Now” at the top of the page. Students who have been dismissed because of unsatisfactory academic progress may be readmitted after one semester of absence from the college. A student suspended for disciplinary reasons may be considered for readmission at the end of the suspension by making an appeal through the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Readmission to a program will be granted on a space-available basis within the appropriate course sequence. A student will be required to complete the curriculum requirements in place at the time of re-enrollment.

Please note: Programs within the division of Allied Health may have additional parameters for readmission into those programs. Please contact the program director of the specific program of study for details on the readmission requirements.
The programs listed below use a competitive admission process to select applicants for admission. Please refer to the program information section for specific competitive admission criteria for each program.
  • Associate of Science in Nursing
  • Associate of Science - Dental Hygienist Degree
  • Dental Assisting
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Practical Nursing
  • Radiologic Technology


Contact Admissions

Barrow: 770-297-4500
Dawson: 678-513-5200
Forsyth: 678-341-6600
Hall: 770-533-7021
Jackson: 706-335-1931