Driver’s Education

Driver’s Education Training Classes

ALL STUDENTS AGES 15-17 with a Georgia learner’s permit are encouraged to apply for the grant scholarship.

Step 1: Apply for the Georgia Driver’s Education Grant Scholarship Program. WAIT until you receive a code via email before registering for a class.
Step 2: READ ALL INFORMATION shown below carefully before choosing your preferred class.

  • Student MUST attend FOUR scheduled In-Class training sessions to total 30 hours.
  • Student MUST complete TWO three-hour driving sessions for SIX hours of In-Car training.
    Prior driving experience is required to help the student receive the maximum benefit from these sessions.
  • In-Class training will meet from 8:00 AM-4:30 PM with breaks and a 30-minute lunch.
    No absences allowed for any reason.
  • In-Car training will be available at the NEW Hall Campus on weekends based on instructor and student
    availability. A link to choose driving sessions will be provided after student completes the In-Class training.
  • Space is limited. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Learner’s permit is REQUIRED to participate. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Step 3: Click the link under Register on the right side of this page to see available classes and to register. Students registering with a grant scholarship redemption code must present code with completed packet to confirm registration. Fee for students who do not qualify for the grant scholarship will be only $450. Full payment and completed packet must be received no later than one week in advance of class start date to hold registration.

Email us if you have questions after reviewing this information.

As set forth in its student catalog, Lanier Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law).

Title IX Coordinator: Nancy Beaver, VP of Student Affairs, Breeden-Giles Hall, Hall Campus, phone: 770-533-7001,
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Veronica Bowermaster, Coordinator for Accessibility Services, Breeden-Giles Hall, Hall Campus, 770-533-7003,
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance Officer: Jill Cantrell, Director Human Resources, Breeden-Giles Hall, Hall Campus, 770-533-6903,
Equity Coordinator: Nancy Beaver, VP of Student Affairs, Breeden-Giles Hall, Hall Campus, phone: 770-533-7001,

Driving Only Sessions Cost: $375

Register for two three-hour driving sessions by calling
Driving only sessions are not covered by grant scholarship.

All driving sessions begin and end at the Hall Campus.

Training Schedule and Registration

To register for class, please visit: