Registration Help

Frequently Asked Questions

Student registration is completed by the student via Bannerweb, our student record database. Bannerweb can be accessed through links on our website or within the Lanier Tech Mobile App. Registration dates will be published annually in the Academic Calendar. In-house memos, student email, the college web site, and other correspondence may also be used to notify students and employees of registration dates and times. Individual notices will be sent to new students only. Students are responsible for keeping apprised of registration dates and times. Contact the Office of Student Affairs concerning registration information.

Registration Instructions (printable pdf)

Registration Help Form

If you did not find the answer to your question(s) in our Frequently Asked Questions, please complete this form and someone from our Admissions department will contact you soon.

"*" indicates required fields

How do you prefer to be contacted?*
Registration method?
If you are having issues with registering for a course, how did you try.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.