6.3.1p Directory Information

Adopted: December, 1991
Contact: Registrar
References: SBTCSG Policy 6.3.1, SBTCSG Procedures 6.3.1.p

Directory Information

FERPA permits institutions to identify certain items of information as "directory information." This information may be released upon request unless the student has indicated, in writing to the Registrar's Office, that he or she does not wish directory information be released.

Directory information at Lanier Technical College includes:

Students may withhold directory information by notifying the Office of the Registrar at registrar@laniertech.edu. The email should be sent from the student's LTC email account and should include:

According to FERPA, the College may release information without the student's written consent to the following:

Information to Military Recruiters

The Solomon Amendment to FERPA requires the College, upon request, to provide "student recruiting information" on any currently enrolled student who is at least 17 years old to any branch of the armed services. "Student recruiting information" is defined by federal law as name, address, telephone numbers, age or date of birth, class level, degrees received, major, most recent educational institution attended. Recruiters must submit their requests in writing to the Records Office.

Questions regarding Lanier Technical College's compliance with FERPA may be directed to the Office of Student Affairs.