Procedure 4.1.7(p)1. LTC Collection, Retention and Release of Employment Records

Adopted: December 2010

Viewing Personnel Files:

Employees who wish to review their own file should contact the HR director. With reasonable advance notice, employees may review their own personnel file in the HR office and in the presence of an individual assigned to maintain the files. If an employee transfers to another state agency, the personnel file will transfer with the employee to the new agency's personnel office.

Personal Data Changes:

When an employee changes his or her name, address, telephone number, emergency contact, or if your marital status, or number of dependents changes, the HR office should be notified as soon as possible. Promptly reporting these changes will keep the personnel file current and will prevent delays in processing important tax and benefit information.

Be especially careful to report all changes in beneficiaries for retirement and insurance purposes. It is your responsibility to keep your insurance and retirement records up to date. Please notify the HR office immediately of any changes in your family situation.