5.3.1lp1 Academic Governance

Adopted: February 2015
Revised: February 2024
Reviewed: October 2022, February 2024
Scope: Faculty
Contact: Vice President of Academic Affairs
References: SBTCSG Policy 5.3.1, SBTCSG Procedure 5.3.1p, SBTCSG Policy 5.1.2, LTC Procedure 5.1.3lp, LTC Procedure 5.1.9lp1

To accomplish the mission of the College and to ensure a collegiate environment as well as the quality and integrity of academic programs, full-time faculty members participate in academic and appropriate governance.

Academic Matters

Adacemic Committee Structure:

The President or the President's designee assigns full-time faculty members to appropriate college committees. Full-time faculty members participate in academic and other appropriate governance matters through the committee and team structure. Faculty members serve on college committees that advance the college's mission.

Program Approval and Termination:

The procedures for approving and terminating programs and sites are detailed in LTC Procedure 5.1.9lp1.

Faculty Responsibility for Curricular and Academic Standards:

Lanier Technical College faculty are expected to deliver instruction in a manner that adheres to SBTCSG General Program and Program Specific Standards.

Advisory Committee Function:

The functions of LTC Advisory Committees are described in detail in LTC Procedure 5.1.3lp.

Instructional Faculty Consortium Committee (IFCC) function:

Full-time faculty members develop and revise program curricula through the Instructional Faculty Consortium Committees (IFCC) which are established through the Technical College System of Georgia. Full-time instructors who teach in state standardized programs at technical colleges in Georgia are members of an IFCC. There are instructional faculty consortium committees for each program area. Through this process, faculty members establish, review, and evaluate curricula system-wide.

Other: Faculty Responsibilities for Student Learning Outcomes:

Full-time faculty members have a major responsibility in the achievement of outcomes for student learning and the quality of academic programs. Program Directors work in coordination with Instructors and the Institutional Effectiveness Office to develop appropriate assessment instruments, oversee faculty's delivery of the instruments, oversee facultys collection of data, analyze results, and develop strategies for improvement based on the results.