Procedure 4.1.8(p)1 LTC Instructional Staff Work Assignments

Adopted: March 10, 2009
Reviewed: June 2010, October 2010, June 2011, February 2013, May 2013, February 2015, July 2019, July 2022, October 2024
Revised: June 2010, October 2010, June 2011, February 2013, May 2013, February 2015, July 2019, July 2022

  1. Credit Faculty

    Full-time faculty members are employed at Lanier Technical College to provide instruction and perform other duties based on the needs of the College.

    1. Work Schedule and Teaching Loads

      Full-time faculty members' employment at Lanier Technical College is based upon a 40-hour work week as required by SBTCSG Policy 4.1.8 and SBTCSG Procedure 4.1.8p. The regular workday is determined by the class schedule for the program and may vary from term to term. Adjunct faculty members are required to meet their respective classes as stated on the schedule and faculty agreement and be accessible to students through E-mail and occasional one-on-one appointments before or after a class session.

      The appropriate Academic Dean approves the teaching schedule and has the responsibility of assigning schedules in a consistent, fair, and academically appropriate manner. Faculty teaching loads must allow for effective and efficient teaching. Instructor's teaching schedules may be adjusted if they are serving as a Division Chair or Program Director, or because of programmatic accreditation requirements (see LTC Procedure 5.1.2.(p)1 and LTC Procedure 5.1.2.(p)1 and LTC Procedure 2.3.4.(p)2.)

      1. Full-time Faculty

        Full-time faculty teaching load is determined by a combination of contact hours per week (not to exceed 30 contact hours weekly) and number of class preparations required per week (one course section = one class preparation). Full-time faculty members teach a load requiring not more than six class preparations per 15-week semester and not more than three class preparations per 8-week semester in combinations of day, evening, weekend, and online classes as needed to meet the needs of students and the College. The College permits instructors to teach a limited number of additional classes, based on demand for classes, availability of qualified adjunct instructors, and faculty's preferences. Full-time instructors who teach additonal classes are issued a salary addendum.

        In instances where an instructor's teaching assignments do not meet the requirements for a normal teaching load, the Academic Dean may assign the instructor additional duties for the term — recruitment activities, tutoring, research project, administrative duties, etc.

        In cases where instructors are responsible for supervising students in work-based activities such as internships, externships, practicums, cosmetology clinics, dental clinics, etc., and the instructor spends significant time with the students, that course counts as a class preparation for the instructor. In other instances where the student works with an on-site preceptor and/or the instructor does not spend significant time with the students, the course does not count as a class preparation for the instructor. In those circumstances, the instructor acts as facilitator.

        Occupational courses that are designed for mastery learning may be delivered concurrently or "stacked" due to their nature such as small enrollments, self-paced design, and more individualized instruction that occurs to facilitate student achievement of desired outcomes. In these cases, a group of concurrent or "stacked" courses within a program would count as one for purposes of calculating teaching loads for faculty.

        Instructors may teach two additional classes per semester beyond the guidelines specified above. Instructors are given a salary addendum for these additional assignments. Such additional instructional assignments must be approved by the Academic Dean. Any additional assignments beyond two must be approved by the Academic Dean, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the President.

      2. Part-time Faculty

        Adjunct faculty members teach a load requiring no more than 29 work load units weekly.

        As stated in SBTCSG Procedure 4.1.8p,an adjunct instructor may work 30 workload units or more per week with prior written approval from the college president, provided the average workload units are less than 30 per week during the annual measurement period.

      3. Laboratory Assistants

        Laboratory assistants work under the direction of a course's instructor of record and are not considered faculty. Laboratory assistants will maintain a schedule of no more than 29 hours per week.

    2. Direct and Indirect Instructional Activities

      Direct instructional activities will be assigned at the discretion of the appropriate Academic Dean. Direct instructional activities are defined as the following:

      • Classroom instructional hours
      • Laboratory or clinical instructional hours
      • Field trips
      • Assessment activities
      • Supervising programs
      • Supervising internship, externship, and practical programs

      In addition to direct instructional activities, full-time faculty members are required to provide approximately 10 hours each week for indirect instructional hours including a minimum of four hours weekly for scheduled office hours. Indirect instructional activities are defined as the following:

      • Student advisement
      • Class preparation
      • Registration
      • Job development and placement
      • Recruitment
      • Professional growth and development
      • Industry and community contacts
      • Maintenance of instructional equipment
      • Curriculum development and revision activities
      • Accreditation activities
      • College committee activities
      • Advisory committee meetings
      • Record keeping
      • Student activities
      • Other appropriate college-related activities that will assist the College in achieving its goals and purpose

    3. Office Hours

      Full-time faculty members are required to provide a minimum of four hours weekly for scheduled office hours. Instructors will publish their weekly schedule of office hours in the course syllabi.

    4. Academic Advisement

      Full-time faculty members are responsible for academic advising of students. Academic advisement should occur with each student on an average of no less than once per term but as often as necessary. Advisement may occur face-to-face or via telephone, email, or interactive video.

    5. Meetings

      Attendance at the following activities is mandatory for full-time faculty members:

      • Advisory committee meetings
      • Commencement
      • Faculty meetings
      • Institutional meetings
      • Required professional development meetings
      • Required planning meetings

  2. Adult Education Faculty

    Full-time Adult Education faculty members provide HSE, ELS, and/or American citizenship/civics instruction and perform other duties based on the needs of the College. Full-time instructors' major employment is with Lanier Technical College and teaching is the primary assignment. To ensure the quality and integrity of the Adult Education programs, the College has implemented the following procedure.

    1. Work Schedule and Teaching Loads

      Full-time Adult Education faculty members' employment at Lanier Technical College typically entails a 40-hour work week as required by SBTCSG Policy 4.1.8 and SBTCSG Procedure 4.1.8p. The regular workday is determined by the class schedule for the center and may vary from term to term. Adjunct faculty members are required to meet their respective classes as stated on the schedule and faculty agreement and be accessible to students through E-mail and occasional one-on-one appointments before or after a class session.

      The Executive Director of Adult Education approves the teaching schedule and has the responsibility of assigning schedules in a consistent, fair, and appropriate manner. Faculty teaching loads must allow for effective and efficient teaching. In determining faculty load, the following factors should be taken into consideration:

      • Course content and level
      • Number of students in classes
      • Expertise of the instructor

      Faculty teaching load is determined based on a minimum of six hours of instruction per student weekly.

    2. Direct and Indirect Instructional Activities

      Direct instructional activities will be assigned at the discretion of the Executive Director of Adult Education. Direct instructional activities are defined as the following:

      • Classroom instructional hours
      • Field trip hours
      • Assessment
      • Supervising programs
      • Instructional services to business and industry (workplace literacy)
      • Instructional services to correctional facilities (institutional program)

      In addition to direct instructional activities, full-time faculty members are required to hold regularly scheduled office hours daily. Indirect instructional activities are defined as the following:

      • Student advisement
      • Class preparation
      • Orientation and Registration
      • Recruitment
      • Professional growth and development
      • Industry and community contacts
      • Maintenance of instructional equipment
      • Curriculum development and revision activities
      • College committee activities
      • Advisory committee meetings
      • Record keeping and data entry into GALIS
      • Student activities
      • Other appropriate college-related activities that will assist the College is achieving its goals and purpose

    3. Office Hours

      Full-time faculty members are required to provide a minimum of one hour daily for scheduled office hours. Instructors will post their weekly schedule of office hours outside their offices. For online courses, instructors will post their weekly schedule of office hours on the course syllabi indicating when they will be available to students via telephone, E-mail, or Skype.

    4. Advisement

      Full-time faculty members are responsible for advising of students. Advisement should occur with each student on an average of no less than once per term but as often as necessary. Advisement may occur face-to-face or via telephone, email, or interactive video.

    5. Meetings

      Attendance at the following activities is mandatory for full-time faculty members:

      • Advisory committee meetings
      • Graduation exercise
      • Quarterly lead instructor meetings
      • Institutional meetings
      • Required professional development meetings
      • Required planning meetings

  3. Economic Development Faculty

    Lanier Technical College's Economic Development Division employs full-time and part-time faculty to teach non-credit continuing education classes and contract training classes. Instructors are considered to be exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and not subject to the accompanying salary basis test. Full-time faculty work a 40-hour work week as required by TCSG SBTCSG Policy 4.1.8 and SBTCSG Procedure 4.1.8p

    Weekly schedules for full-time faculty vary based on the needs of business and industry clients. Part-time faculty is employed on an as needed basis and allowed a maximum of 29 work hour units of combined instructional and preparatory time. Part-time continuing education instructional and preparatory time is recorded on time sheet records; however, for any course taught by adjunct faculty, the preparatory hours will be determined based on the appropriate equivalency formula.

  4. Records Retention

    As stated in SBTCSG Procedure 4.1.8p, all records associated with instructional staff work assignments (e.g., faculty workload) shall be maintained for three (3) years.