Procedure 5.1.12(p)3. LTC Library Collection

Last Reviewed: October 2, 2024
Adopted: July 2022

The Lanier Technical College Library provides information resources to all students, faculty, and staff.

Collection Acquisition

LTC's print collections are significantly weighted to subject areas that support educational programs offered by the College. Expanding and updating the collection is dependent on faculty input and suggestions, as well as a number of outside review sources. Collection input is sought from faculty every year via email and faculty meetings, and requests are accepted year round. Requests for both print and electronic resources are encouraged, with emphasis on resources that can be used by both students and faculty. Faculty requests are given highest priority and purchased when funding permits.

Collection Maintenance & Weeding

Collections are weeded regularly to maintain currency, meet requirements of programmatic accreditation bodies, and make best use of physical shelf space. Materials are evaluated on age, currency, condition, and circulation statistics. Before titles are removed, a list of titles selected for weeding are sent to individual faculty. Faculty are requested to let the library know which titles should be kept and which titles need newer editions. If no response is recorded, a follow up is sent at least once before titles are removed.

Collection Reconsideration

Materials in the library are selected to support the instructional and research needs of the university community. Persons who object to the presence of any materials in the library collection are encouraged to identify and discuss their concerns with campus librarians who will pass these along to the Director of Library Services. Every effort should be made to settle the complaint informally before resorting to the formal objection procedure.

If a resolution cannot be satisfactorily reached by informal discussion, the complainant may file a formal objection.

Process for consideration of formal objections to library materials:

  1. Only objections from current students, faculty, and staff of LTC will be considered.
  2. The complainant must complete and submit a 'Material Reconsideration Form' to the Director of Library Services.
  3. The Director of Library Services will gather appropriate documentation that may include, but not be limited to, published reviews and opinions of the material, history of use of the item, anticipated shelf-life of the item, and alternative means of access to the item. The principles of the Library Bill of Rights are always upheld.
  4. The Director of Library Services will meet with a designated committee of faculty with expertise in the subject area, the appropriate campus librarian, and the appropriate Academic Dean to make a determination on the reconsideration.
  5. The Director of Library Services will reply with committee's determination in writing within thirty calendar days of receipt of the form.
  6. If the complainant remains unsatisfied, the Director of Library Services will forward a copy of the form and all accompanying documentation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  7. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will reply in writing within thirty calendar days of receipt of the form and accompanying documentation to schedule a meeting to discuss and seek resolution of the issue.
  8. The matter will then be discussed by the complainant and Vice President of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Director of Library Services for appropriate resolution.
  9. The complainant may appeal the decision to the President.
  10. The President will review all documentation on the case in consultation with the Director of Library Services and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  11. The President will reply in writing within thirty calendar days of receipt of the documentation to inform all parties of the decision.
  12. The decision of the President will be final.