7.1.2lp3 Public Safety: Organization/Admin

Adopted: October 2023
Scope: LTC Police Department
Contact: Chief of Police
References: TSCG Policy 7.1.2, Chapter 3, Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program (GLECP) standards 3.1 a-e, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 6.6 k,l and 7.6

    1. Establishes the general responsibilities and duties of law enforcement personnel of the Lanier Technical College Police Department and all TCSG Law enforcement Agencies.
    2. Establishes operational guidelines, the chain of command, and duties attached to positions in the law enforcement agencies of TCSG (GLECP 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
    3. Establishes a standard operating procedure for hiring employees. (GLECP 4.2, 4.3, 4.4,4.5, 7.6)
    4. Establishes a standard operating procedure on personnel issues. (GLECP 4.6)
    5. Establishes a standard operating procedure for evaluating work performance. (GLECP 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10)
    6. Establishes a standard operating procedure for conducting employee promotions. (GLECP 4.9, 4.10)
    7. Establishes Audits and Inspections Required for Certification Purposes (GLECP 1.15, 3.9, 6.6 k and l)
    1. General Responsibilities

      Within the law enforcement jurisdiction of the Technical College System of Georgia, officers of the Lanier Technical College Police Department, shall always take appropriate action to

      1. Protect life and property;
      2. Preserve the peace;
      3. Prevent crime;
      4. Detect and arrest violators of the law; and
      5. Enforce all federal, state and local laws and ordinances coming under the TCSG law enforcement agency's jurisdiction.
    2. Duty Responsibilities

      Officers of the all TCSG Law Enforcement agencies are always subject to duty, although they may periodically be relieved of its routine performance. They shall always respond to the lawful orders of superior officers and other proper authorities, as well as calls for law enforcement assistance from citizens.

    3. Discharge of Duties
      1. All officers and employees of the Lanier Technical College Police Department shall discharge their duties with calmness and firmness in a professional manner. They shall assist and protect each other in the maintenance of peace and order and in the performance of all of their duties.
      2. Officers and employees with questions concerning the performance of their duties are to direct them to their immediate supervisor.
    4. Supervisory Responsibility

      A supervising officer has responsibility and accountability for every aspect of their command. Within policy guidelines and legal constraints, the supervisor has the authority to coordinate and direct assigned personnel and other allocated resources to achieve organizational objectives. The supervisor must perform the full range of administrative functions, relying upon policy, direction, training, and personal initiative to achieve the highest level of performance possible.

    1. Chain of Command (GLECP 3.3)

      Organizationally, the number of persons who report to the Chief of Police of each TCSG Law Enforcement Agency is limited. To ensure unity of command, clearly defined lines of authority must be drawn so that there is a formal, structural relationship between each employee and the Chief of Police. Each employee must be aware of their relative position in the organization. This includes understanding to whom they report and likewise, who reports to them. Employees should strive always to operate within the chain of command and to keep their supervisors informed as to their activities. As depicted in the Lanier Technical College Police Departments Organization Chart, (section F below), each employee is accountable to only one supervisor at any given time. (GLECP 3.4)

      The agency shall maintain current job descriptions covering all employees. Each employee is to be issued the job description of their job and all job descriptions for each job within the agency are available to all personnel. (GLECP 4.6)

    2. Written Directives

      A written directive is any written document used to guide or affect the performance or conduct of agency employees. The term includes policies, procedures, rules and regulations, general orders, special orders, and instructional material. Agency written directives may not conflict with the TCSG LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL. College Human Resources departments should receive a copy of all written directives, general orders etc. to ensure that they do not conflict with established TCSG policies and procedures.

      1. The authority to issue, modify, or approve agency written directives is vested in the Chief of Police. (GLECP 3.1a). The Chief, at his/her discretion, may designate another member of the executive staff to issue written directives. (GLECP 3.1b)
      2. General Orders are concerned with policy and procedures, and affect more than one organizational component. The General Order format will include a broad statement explaining the intended purpose of the policy. It will also include rules and regulations, and procedures to carry out the written directive and the effective date. (GLECP 3.1c)

        General Orders, new or revised, shall be placed on Power DMS for distribution, approval and electronic signature. Upon approval of the Chief of Police, an amended, updated, or new General Order, the accreditation manager shall load the document into Power DMS and disseminate the order to the affected employees for review and electronic signature.

      3. Special Orders affect only a specific segment of the organization, or may be a statement of policy or procedure, regarding a specific circumstance or event that is of a temporary nature. Written orders must include the date, time, person or group(s) affected, the time period the order is in effect, and the name of the person issuing the order.(GLECP 3.1c)
      4. The Agency will maintain all current and archived policies using Power DMS and the appropriate server. All employees have access to the current policies and procedures by accessing Power DMS. Once written directives are reviewed as required, they will be placed on PowerDMS for all employees to view. The directives will be indexed by: (GLECP 3.1d)
        1. Chapter number
        2. Title
        3. Section and
        4. Revision date

        Policies that have been revised and are no longer current will be archived in PowerDMS.

      5. Per TCSG Policy 1.1 Development, Approval, and Review of TCSG Policies and Procedures:

        "According to applicable state law, the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia shall establish and promulgate policies for the orderly and efficient operation of the System Office and associated Technical Colleges. The State Board has delegated the authority to develop accompanying procedures to the Commissioner and technical college presidents.

        State Board policies will describe a course of action or a principle that guides and determines present and future decision-making; reflect the philosophy upon which the agency operates; ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws; and support the operation and mission of the Technical College System of Georgia and its Technical Colleges. Policies shall be publicly displayed for comment before the State Board approves.

        Procedures will provide guidelines for state policies and prescribe other administrative, operational, regulatory, or statutory requirements for the System Office and Technical Colleges. Procedures shall become effective only after the approval of the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia.

        All policies and procedures shall be reviewed annually. The re-formatting of policies or other similar non-substantive changes shall not require approval by the State Board but shall be reported to the Governance, Compliance, and Audit Committee of the State Board."

        1. Proposed policies, procedures, rules and regulations will be reviewed annually by the college Chief of Police and their executive staff. Next, the proposed changes will be reviewed for compliance with current federal and state laws as well as with TCSG Policies and Procedures by the TCSG Chief of Police.
        2. Once the TCSG Chief of Police approves the proposed changes, the Chiefs of Police for all departments will have a chance to review and make their suggestions. The proposals will then go to TCSG General Counsel for legal review and recommendation to the Commissioner and the college presidents. (GLECP 3.1e)
    3. Assignment of Rank

      The number of ranking positions in each TCSG Law Enforcement Agency will be specified by the agency as required by the organizational structure, and approved by Human Resources and the college president. The Chief of Police for each TCSG Law Enforcement Agency, in accordance with the TCSG promotional practices, will make appointments of individuals to these positions.

    4. Flexibility of Organization

      The ability of the Agency to make organizational adjustments to meet changing needs is essential in obtaining the maximum benefit from the expenditure of assigned resources. To ensure stability and continuity, the basic agency structure should not be changed without a demonstrated need or to satisfy temporary requirements. Human Resources and the college leadership must be consulted as well. There must be continuous monitoring to ensure that agency organizational needs are being met.

    5. Organization

      A law enforcement agency cannot function without an organizational structure that assigns responsibilities and functions to specific individuals or groups of individuals. Each person employed by a TCSG Law Enforcement Agency is responsible and accountable for assigned functions and tasks. All TCSG law enforcement agency supervisory personnel are accountable for the activities of employees under their immediate control. (GLECP 3.5)

    6. Agency Structure (GLECP 3.2)

      All responsibility shall be accompanied by commensurate authority and each employee is accountable for the use of any delegated authority. (GLECP 3.6 a & b)

      1. Chief of Police
        1. The Chief of Police will be responsible to an administrator of the individual TCSG College, as designated by the president. The TCSG College Chief of Police shall help formulate agency policies, administer rules and regulations and ensure that all general and special orders are understood and enforced.
        2. Each agency operates under the direct supervision of the TCSG College Chief of Police, and ultimately the President of the college. The TCSG College Chief of Police shall designate a second in command. In the absence of the TCSG College Chief of Police the second in command shall be regarded as the TCSG College Chief of Police 's representative and their commands obeyed.
      2. Executive Staff
        1. Assumes command of the Police Department in the absence of the Chief.
        2. Manages campus Supervisors and Officer scheduling. Insures adequate shift coverage on all campuses.
        3. Collects and reviews activity report statistics for all campuses. Submits compiled statistics on a monthly report to the Chief Of Police.
        4. Assist the Chief of Police with the daily activities and functions of the Police Department.
        5. Maintains and performs annual updates of Emergency Operation Plan, Business Continuity Plan, and Annual Security Report.
        6. Serves on various boards within Lanier Technical College.
      3. Management
          1. Emergency Manager
            1. Review and implement TCSG System Office Emergency Operations, Business Continuity and Exposure Control Plans
            2. Inspect, procure and maintain safety equipment for 2535 Lanier Tech Dr Gainesville Ga.
            3. Review and evaluate related SBTCSG Policies and Procedures
            4. Serve as agency liaison between Lisa Beck and service area EMA Directors, and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS)
            5. Provide leadership of Clery Act Compliance Team and serve as chair.
            6. Provide technical assistance in development, implementation and assessment of College Safety planning activities; training of College Plan Coordinators and leadership of corresponding Peer Groups (Emergency Operations and Business Continuity.)
            7. Provide technical assistance in development, implementation and assessment of College Clery Act Compliance activities; training of College Clery Act Compliance Chairs; leadership of corresponding Peer Group (Annual Security Reports (ASRs) or Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports (ASFSRs); collection and reporting of Clery Crime statistics.
          2. Police Accreditation Manager
            1. Coordinate the state certification program for Lanier Technical College Police Dept. in accordance with the Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program. (GLECP)
            2. Develop policies and proofs for compliance with GLECP standards
            3. Assist in Lanier Technical College Police Dept. assessments
            4. Serve as sworn police officer for the Lanier Technical College Police Dept.
          3. Investigations

            The Chief of Police as the lead investigator and the Police Captain as the subordinate investigator will conduct any investigations carried out by the Lanier Technical College Police Dept. The Chief of Police may also Designate a Police Officer as Investigator.

        1. Supervision
          1. Sergeant
            1. A Sergeant, or campus Supervisor, is responsible for carrying out all lawful orders of the Chief and Captain, in a timely, accurate and thorough manner. A Sergeant is charged with the following tasks:
            2. Supervises Police Officers on their individual campuses, and is responsible for creating Officer schedules and maintaining adequate shift coverage.
            3. Collects, reviews, and approves all reports from individual campuses and submits them to the Chief for case number assignment.
            4. Supervises the completion of daily activity reports. Collects individual campus statistics, and submits them on a monthly report to the Captain.
        2. Investigations

          The Chief of Police as the lead investigator and the Police Captain as the subordinate investigator will conduct any investigations carried out by the Lanier Technical College Police Dept. The Chief of Police may also Designate a Police Officer as Investigator.

        3. Campus Police Officer
          1. A police officer is responsible for carrying out all lawful orders of their supervisor, Captain, and Chief of Police, in a timely accurate and thorough manner. A police officer is charged with the following tasks:
            1. Responding to and handling calls for service;
            2. Conducting preliminary and/or full investigations of crimes, offenses, incidents and unusual conditions;
            3. Directing traffic and enforcing federal and state criminal statutes;
            4. Providing emergency services.
            5. Conducting preventive patrol. This includes making person and property inquiries and inspections focused on preventing crimes and accidents, maintaining public order, and discovering hazards; and
            6. Promptly preparing thorough, complete and accurate reports of all occurrences and incidents.
    7. Organizational Chart

      Below is the Lanier Technical College Police Dept. Organizational Chart effective upon adoption of this policy manual. (GLECP 3.3)

      Police Department Organizational Chart


    Reference the TCSG Policy Manual policies 4.1.1 through 4.9.10 describing all elements and activities of the selection process for all personnel. (GLECP 4.2)

    TCSG POLICY: 4.1.1. (III.B) Recruiting and Hiring

    Vacant positions shall be filled by selecting the best-qualified applicant on the basis of merit.

    The System and its constituent Technical Colleges shall conduct all recruitment activities per the Statement of Equal Opportunity and all other applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The System shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in the recruitment, hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rate of pay, selection for training, or any other reason based on religious opinions or affiliations, race, color, national origin, disability, sex or age.

    The Commissioner is authorized to transfer employees within the agency if deemed beneficial to the agency's productivity.

    Each Technical College and the System Office shall follow the guidelines of the Recruiting and Hiring procedure.

    The Agency is committed to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons, and to recruit, hire, train, promote, and compensate persons in all jobs without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

    1. Selection Elements
      1. Application Filing
      2. Review of applications for legal requirements/minimum job requirements
      3. Oral interview (GLECP 4.3c)
      4. Candidate eligibility list developed
      5. Interview with Chief of Police
      6. Background Investigation (GLECP 4.3d)
      7. Polygraph or Voice Stress Analysis (GLECP 4.3e)
      8. Drug and Alcohol Screen, Pre-Employment Physical and Psychological evaluation (GLECP 4.3a, b)
      9. Appointment
      10. Probationary period
    2. Hiring Process Applications
      1. When the TCSG has an opening for a position within a police department a job announcement will be made for a period of time needed to fill the available positions. Applications for employment will not be accepted after the dates set for the specified position. The minimum announcement period is five (5) business days, per TCSG Policy 4.1.1p1, VI. 4. Announcements may be made via:
        1. Posting the opening(s) within the police department lobby.
        2. Posting the opening(s) on Agency bulletin boards and/or website.
        3. Advertising the opening(s) in print or electronic editions of local newspapers.
        4. Posting the opening(s) social media.
      2. Minimum Eligibility Requirements

        The Chief of Police and Human Resources establish the minimum qualifications for entry-level positions within the department. Qualifications will meet professional and legal standards for validity, utility, and minimum adverse impact. Required qualifications for entry level sworn police positions are contained in the TCSG job description forms, and include the following:

        1. Be a United States citizen;
        2. Possesses a valid Georgia license or be able to obtain a Georgia license by the time of appointment.
        3. Minimum age of 21 years for sworn positions and 18 years for non-sworn positions.
        4. Ability to meet physical standards set by POST for determining good health fitness and the ability to perform assigned duties for sworn positions.
        5. Have a high school diploma or GED

        At the time of their formal application, candidates will be informed of all elements of the selection process, to include the timetable of events of the selection process, each of the elements and the agency's policy on re-application, re-testing and re-evaluation of candidates not appointed.

    3. Application Review

      All applications will be reviewed for the eligibility requirements of the specific hiring process in accordance with TCSG Policy. All applicants that meet the requirements will proceed in the selection process. Those applicants not selected will be notified by Human Resources and their applications will be stored in Human Resources for a period of two years, at the conclusion of the two years, they will be destroyed.

    4. Oral Interview

      The agency maintains the primary responsibility for developing and administering oral interviews. This process will be coordinated and/or administered by the College Chief of Police, who may select a recruitment officer or appoint an interview board of TCSG personnel to assist in this process. All of the candidates will be asked a standardized list of prepared questions.

    5. Candidate Eligibility

      The candidates will then be placed in the following categories based on a cumulative total of the written test and oral interview.

      1. Highly Qualified
      2. Qualified
      3. Not Qualified

      A list of the highly qualified and qualified candidates will then be compiled in a numerical ranking order from highest to lowest total score. The list will consist of candidates who have successfully completed the previous list of components in the selection process.

      The list will remain in effect for one year from the time of the application. The Chief of Police will receive a list of the top 5 candidates.

    6. Final Interview

      Candidates who were among the top five scoring individuals to this phase of the selection process will be notified and scheduled for an interview with the Chief of Police.

      The Chief of Police will then decide to make a conditional offer of employment to the person(s) of the candidates on the list. The list submitted to the Chief of Police will be accompanied by a test score sheet or have a numerical ranking system and oral interview scores of all candidates.

    7. Background Investigation (GLECP 4.4 a, b,& c)

      Refer to TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.1.9p. (III.W.1) Background Investigations for matters regarding background investigations.

      "A thorough background investigation shall be conducted in conjunction with a recommended candidate's initial employment with the TCSG System Office or any associated Technical College in a full- or part-time position. The investigation shall include post-offer criminal history records check and, as applicable, a post-offer: credit history records check, a fingerprint records check, a motor vehicle records check, and a pre-employment drug test. These activities must be completed before a hiring decision is finalized.

      The recommended candidate for a full-time P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement position shall also be required to complete a post-offer State of Georgia mandated medical examination and psychological screening if the last activity is included in a Technical College's written selection process for these positions."

      1. A background investigation will be conducted on each candidate, prior to appointment, by an investigator who has been trained in collecting the required information. The investigator will use all data available on the candidate, especially the application form, background questionnaire and other information deemed appropriate. When conducting backgrounds for persons seeking sworn positions, the investigator will conduct an on-site review of the candidate's personnel file whenever possible.
      2. The background investigation must verify state mandated minimum qualifications including (for candidates for police officer positions) U. S. Citizenship, high school diploma or successful completion of the General Education Development. (GLECP 4.4a)
      3. Examination, possession of a valid Georgia driver's license (may possess license from another state but be eligible to obtain Georgia license upon appointment), as well as minimum qualifications in accordance with the departments minimum hiring standards.
      4. Background investigations for P.O.S.T. Certified Law Enforcement Positions (TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.1.9p. III.W.1 Background Investigations)
        1. Applicants to be interviewed for a full- or part-time P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement position serving in a Technical College's campus police department (e.g., a Law Enforcement Worker, Campus Police Officer, Assistant Campus Police Chief, or a Campus Police Chief) shall complete a TCSG Pre-Employment Questionnaire (Attachment:4.1.9p.a6.) in conjunction with the interview portion of the selection process. The Questionnaire is considered a pre-offer activity.
        2. Following a written conditional offer of employment, the selected candidate for a full- or part-time law enforcement position must participate in/complete certain post-offer screening activities, which may be in addition to, or may complement, a Technical College has written selection process. These background investigations are to be conducted by the college's Police Chief or the TCSG Chief of Police if hiring for a Chief's position.
        3. The recommended candidate for a full-time law enforcement position must complete a criminal history records check conducted by the college Police Chief, a medical/physical examination, a pre-employment drug screening, a motor vehicle records check, a test for deception (i.e. polygraph, Voice Stress Analysis) and psychological screening. (GLECP 4.4b)

          Part-time candidates employed full-time at other agencies are in good standing with their current agency, and P.O.S.T. will be exempt from the background check requirements except for pre-employment drug testing, criminal history, and motor vehicle records checks.

        4. The recommended candidate for a full-time P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement position must complete Attachment 4.1.9p.a8. (Medical and Physical Examination Program Acknowledgement Form) in conjunction with the required medical examination. The examination is considered a post-offer activity. No applicant may commence employment unless he/she undergoes a medical examination and is determined by a medical practitioner to have met established State of Georgia medical standards for service in this capacity.
        5. With the exception noted in Paragraph VI.A.4.f., the selected candidate may, at his/her expense, utilize a licensed medical practitioner of his/her choosing to perform the required examination.
        6. A Technical College president or his/her designee may contract with a licensed medical practitioner to either perform the medical examination or review the results of a medical examination performed by another licensed medical practitioner to validate that the candidate meets all established medical standards for service as a P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement officer. In either instance, the cost for the examination or the review of a completed examination shall be the responsibility of the prospective employee unless the Technical College agrees to assume these costs. If a college agrees to assume these costs for all prospective full-time employees in law enforcement positions, the college may stipulate that a designated provider examine the prospective employee.
      5. In addition to the above requirements, the agency shall also conduct at least three personal/professional reference verification checks on the applicant. (GLECP 4.4 c) See TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.1.1p3. (III.B) Interviewing and Selection Guidelines, Section VI. E., regarding reference checks.

        NOTE: The administrative civilian positions will not be subject to a pre-employment medical exam as part of the selection process. The administrative civilian positions are not typically subject to a pre-employment polygraph or psychological evaluation as part of the selection process.

    8. Contingent Offer of Employment

      See TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.1.1p3. (III.B) Interviewing and Selection Guidelines, Section VI. F., Contingent Offer of Employment.

    9. Entry Level Training

      All sworn personnel must successfully complete the Georgia Peace Officer's Standards and Training certification requirements and the agency's Field Training Officer (FTO) program. Any extensions to the allotted training period will be made based on the recommendation of the Chief of Police.

    10. Reapplication/Reevaluating

      Reapplication into an ongoing selection process shall not be permitted; however, this does not preclude an unsuccessful applicant from reapplying to future selection testing cycles.

      Re-testing during an ongoing selection process shall not be permitted. The Chief of Police shall have sole authority over the elements involving reapplication, re-testing and reevaluation.

    11. Reserve Officer Program

      Lanier Technical College Police Dept. does not have a reserve officer program. However, any TCSG law enforcement agency with a reserve officer program, must meet the following GLECP standards:

      1. the selection criteria for reserve officers are the same as for full-time officers (GLECP 7.6a)
      2. the officers must acquire and maintain a Georgia Peace Officer Certification (GLECP 7.6b)
      3. reserve officers' uniforms and equipment are the same as the full-time officers when performing like functions; and (GLECP 7.6c)
      4. reserve officers are bonded and/or provided with public liability protection equal to that provided to the full-time officers. (GLECP 7.6d)

    All selection materials generated in the selection process for those applicants not hired will be stored in the secured file storage room in Human Resources for a period of two years per the Georgia Records Retention Schedule. The materials will be disposed of at the end of the two-year period by shredding.


    Refer to Section 4 Human Resources of the TCSG Policy Manual for matters regarding personnel issues.

    1. All new personnel are to receive the information regarding: (GLECP 4.5)
      1. the agency's role, purpose, goals, policies, and procedures
      2. working conditions and regulations; and
      3. responsibilities and rights of employees.

      This information can be found in the TCSG Policy Manual along with the TCSG Law Enforcement Operations Policy and Procedures Manual.

    2. Complaints

      Refer to TCSG Policy Manual 4.4.1p for matters regarding discipline of employees

      1. It shall be the policy of the Agency that all allegations or complaints, to include anonymous complaints, against the department and its employees be fully investigated to determine whether the allegations or complaints are valid or invalid and to take appropriate follow up actions.

        All efforts must be taken to build a strong, positive relationship between the handling of information concerning allegations of employee misconduct and to provide the public with a fair and effective means to redress their legitimate grievances against the agency or an individual employee. The purpose for having such procedures is to:

        1. Identify practices requiring corrective measures through remedial training or policy revision; 17
        2. Protect the reputation of individual employees, the department, and the public from false or misleading allegations; and
        3. Identify employees who may be involved in illegal, unethical, or unprofessional conduct so that the appropriate corrective measures may be taken.
      2. Citizen complaints will be accepted by any line supervisor of the department who is contacted for such assistance. The supervisor shall document the complaint and if possible, attempt to resolve the complaint by providing an explanation of agency policies, procedures, or practices.

        Supervisors, following the aforementioned policy, may investigate allegations of minor rule violations or inappropriate demeanor such as:

        1. Discourtesy;
        2. Sleeping on duty;
        3. Disrespect towards citizens;
        4. Absence without leave;
        5. Neglect of duty; and
        6. Other acts of minor misconduct. (GLECP 3.7a)
      3. The Chief of Police or their designated internal affairs investigator, following the aforementioned policy, will investigate other more serious complaints. Serious violations include, but are not limited to the following;
        1. Commission of a crime;
        2. Corruption;
        3. Excessive force/brutality;
        4. Gross misconduct;
        5. Firearms discharges other than training;
        6. Insubordination;
        7. Incidents involving domestic violence; and
        8. Other acts of a serious nature
      4. The Chief of Police or their designee will prepare an annual summary of the complaints received and investigated and their final disposition. The report will be available to all agency employees and will also be made available to the public by request to the Chief.
    3. Secondary Employment

      Refer to TCSG Policy Procedure 4.3.2p6 Other Employment Procedure pertaining to all employees of the Technical College System of Georgia. (GLECP 4.12)

      See also for all documents associated with this policy.

      In addition, the following procedures apply to TCSG law enforcement agency personnel.

      1. Definitions
        1. Secondary Employment — means engaging in any off-duty or extra-duty work, business, or activity for profit, or profit-making enterprise, as a principle, employee, or agent, other than that which is assigned by the TCSG law enforcement agency.
        2. Off-Duty Employment — Employment entirely independent of the authority arising out of a position as a law enforcement officer with the TCSG agency. The employee is considered to be an employee of the secondary employer or an independent contractor and is not functioning nominally in the capacity of a law enforcement employee of the TCSG law enforcement agency.
        3. Extra-Duty Employment — Employment wherein the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers is anticipated, and the employee is functioning in the capacity of a law enforcement employee of the TCSG law enforcement agency, although not on-duty and not being paid from the TCSG law enforcement agency's payroll. In such an instance, the employee is considered to be working as an employee of the secondary employer, or as an independent contractor, although his/her law enforcement authority arises out of his/her position within the TCSG law enforcement agency jurisdiction.
      2. General
        1. With approval, an employee of the Technical College System of Georgia's (TCSG) System Office or an associated Technical College may, consistent with the provisions of this procedure and established conditions, pursue, hold, or continue secondary Employment.
        2. Provided a secondary employment relationship does not violate the provisions of this procedure, a newly hired employee who desires to continue Employment with a previous employer; desires to continue to serve as a contractor or consultant; or who desires to continue to operate his/her own business, may be authorized to do so for a period not to exceed six (6) calendar months after Employment with the System Office or a Technical College. However, before this period elapses, an employee must submit a Request to Continue Other Employment (See Attachment 4.3.2p6.a2 in the TCSG Policy Manual) and receive written approval from the appropriate official (Chief of Police.)
        3. An employee who has previously received written approval to engage in secondary Employment according to the provisions of this procedure may not continue such Employment while on authorized sick leave, authorized family leave with or without pay, or on authorized leave without pay without first submitting Attachment. 4.3.2p6.a2 and obtaining written approval.
        4. TCSG purchased/issued law enforcement equipment and uniforms may not be utilized for off-duty employment
        5. Officers engaged in police-related secondary employment activities will advise the Communications function of their location, time of arrival, and time of departure. Police actions arising from secondary employment activity shall be documented using normal reporting procedures.
        6. Secondary employment authorization for any employee must be reviewed immediately should the Employee change positions within the college or transfer to another TCSG work unit.
        7. Any employee who violates the provisions of this procedure or corresponding federal or state law may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
      3. Limitations and Prohibitions
        1. Per TCSG Policy Manual Procedure: 4.3.2p6. (III.L.6) Other Employment Procedure, an employee must avoid any secondary employment relationship that could create an actual or perceived conflict of interest with his/her Employment. Further, secondary employment may not interfere/conflict with an employee's ability to perform effectively his/her assigned duties and responsibilities. Employees are prohibited from working more than a total of sixteen (16) hours in any given 24-hours period. This 16-hour limit includes primary employment, approved secondary employment, or any combination thereof, unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police.

          In addition, employees are prohibited from working more than a total of one hundred thirty- four (134) hours in a two (2) week period when secondary employment hours are added to regularly scheduled primary duty hours.

        2. Employees are expressly prohibited from the following activities:
          1. Performing duties/tasks/activities for a secondary employer while "at work." Examples include the use of such communication devices/office equipment as a fax, copier, telephone or cellular device, computer, laptop, tablet, or any state issued device;
          2. selling products or services to other employees;
          3. being "on call" for other employment;
          4. engaging in any business activity/transaction involving the State of Georgia or the TCSG from which the Employee may benefit financially except through his/her regular compensation provided by the System Office or Technical College; and/or,
          5. engaging in any business activity which results in a breach of confidentiality, including the falsification, destruction, inappropriate and/or unacknowledged collection, release, or other misuses of TCSG data, information, or records pertaining to students, employees, or System Office or Technical College operations or administration.
        3. Employees may not use their police position to gain personal advantage in secondary employment, nor in any manner which would be prejudicial to the interest of the agency.
        4. Employees shall immediately advise the Chief of Police in writing, via the chain of command, of any incidents arising from or related to their secondary employment that may adversely affect the agency or its personnel.
        5. Employees engaged in secondary employment activity will, at all times and in all situations, conduct themselves in a manner creditable to the Agency and that will not give the appearance of impropriety. Any inappropriate conduct may result in revocation of secondary employment authorization and may subject the employee to other disciplinary action.
        6. Employees engaged in secondary employment may, at any time, be subject to recall in exigent circumstances to meet the needs of the agency.
        7. Secondary employment may not interfere with official duties. Approval may be denied, suspended, or rescinded by the Chief of Police if there is reasonable cause to indicate the secondary employment is having an adverse effect upon the Agency or the employee's primary job performance.
        8. TCSG law enforcement agency employees may not engage in any secondary employment, which requires or is connected with any of the following:
          1. Employment by credit agencies for the purpose of investigating or collecting accounts, including the repossession of motor vehicles and/or the collection of bad debts.
          2. Pre-employment investigations for private companies.
          3. Any type of work related to bail bonding.
          4. Investigative work for insurance companies, attorneys, or private security services.
          5. Employment with any company while the employment is affected by a labor strike or like labor/management dispute.
          6. Any position that requires appointment as a law enforcement officer for another jurisdiction, unless specifically approved by the Chief of Police.
          7. Employment in any capacity that harbors the potential to cause conflict of interest, or to bring discredit upon the employee, the agency, or the TCSG.
        9. Any employee found to be engaged in secondary employment in violation of any provision of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and suspension or revocation of permission to engage in secondary employment.
        10. The Chief of Police, at any time, may prohibit extra jobs at specific locations, for specific types of businesses, or for other reasons deemed to be in the best interest of the Agency.
      4. Requesting Secondary Employment
        1. Before accepting other employment, an employee must first request approval by submitting, using Attachment 4.3.2p6.a1, of the TCSG Policy Manual, to the Human Resources Director.
        2. If the request is denied, the reason (s) for the decision should be noted on the request form. A copy of the form should be provided to the Employee with the original placed in the employee's official personnel file.
        3. If approval is granted, an employee's authorization to engage in the other employment will continue until employment with that employer ends. Authorization may be rescinded should the secondary employment interfere with the ability to perform primary duties, become a conflict of interest, or conflict with the agency's mission.

    Refer to TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.4.4 and 4.4.4p. (III.G.1) Performance Management.

    The Technical College System of Georgia is committed to a work environment that strives for and rewards high performance, maximizes flexibility, and encourages professional development and ongoing communication between employees and supervisors. Therefore, the Commissioner shall establish the guiding principles and accompanying processes t h a t comprise a Performance Management system for the System Office and all Technical Colleges. The process will include the periodic review and annual rating/evaluation of all employees, excluding short-term and temporary employees.

    The General Assembly appropriates provided monies, performance-based salary increases for all eligible full-time employees of the System Office and all Technical Colleges will be delivered in a manner as outlined in the Appropriations Act, accompanying guidelines established by the Commissioner, and guidance from the Department of Administrative Services and the Office of Planning and Budget.

    1. General Provisions
      1. For each performance period, supervisors will provide employees with a performance plan, ongoing feedback and an interim evaluation, and an annual performance evaluation.
      2. The System Office and each Technical College will establish a fixed 12-month performance period to evaluate employees as described in this procedure. (GLECP 4.7)
      3. Evaluations are required for all full-time and part-time salaried employees. In addition, TCSG work units and Technical Colleges may develop an internal process to evaluate the performance of part-time, hourly, or temporary employees.
      4. Employees that began employment less than three months before the end of the performance period may be exempted from the performance evaluation process.
      5. Evaluations will be conducted using a five-point rating scale, in alignment with the rating scale currently supported by the Department of Administrative Services Human Resources Administration.
    2. Performance Evaluation System

      See TCSG Policy Procedure: 4.4.4p. (III.G.1) Performance Management for guidelines for the performance evaluation system. It will serve as the written directive for GLECP standard 4.8. (GLECP 4.8)

      The Commissioner shall establish the guiding principles and accompanying processes which shall comprise a Performance Management system for the System Office and all Technical Colleges. The process will include the periodic review and annual evaluation of all employees, excluding hourly and temporary employees. In addition, Technical Colleges may establish separate, local procedures to evaluate part-time and hourly employees.

      1. Performance Evaluations
        1. At the end of each performance period, supervisors are responsible for documenting, evaluating, and rating the performance of each employee they supervise. In addition, supervisors must assign a summary rating, reflective of overall performance, to each evaluation, in compliance with the rating scale currently supported by the state.
        2. Performance evaluations should be completed no later than 45 calendar days after the end of the performance period.
        3. The employee and the immediate supervisor must acknowledge and sign performance evaluations. The Technical College president may require different levels of supervisory approval.
        4. Managers and supervisors must document evaluation conversations that have taken place with an employee who has refused to sign the evaluation.
        5. In accordance with the provisions of this procedure, employees may request a review of their annual performance evaluation if the overall summary rating is "unsatisfactory performer" or its equivalent, and they disagree with such rating.
      2. Rater Responsibilities (GLECP 4.8c)
        1. The rater of an employee will generally be the Supervisor at the end of the rating period. The rater should contact previous supervisors during the review period for additional performance evaluation information. The rater will complete the performance evaluation form accurately and in a timely manner.
        2. If an employee is transferred from one division to another division during the annual review cycle, the review should be a collaborative effort of the former and the new supervisor.
        3. The weight to be given to each supervisor's evaluation should be proportional to the time the employee has worked for the supervisors involved and should be agreed upon in advance by the supervisors.
        4. The performance evaluation should be representative of the employee's total performance and contribution for an entire evaluation period. Evaluations require well-planned, accurate, and detailed information. Raters should take enough time for and put enough thought into each evaluation.
        5. After the rater has completed the performance evaluation form and it has been reviewed through the Chain of Command, the rater will discuss the performance evaluation with the employee in an evaluation conference. At this time, the employee should be given an opportunity to include his or her own comments. The employee will have the opportunity to sign the evaluation and will be given a copy of the completed evaluation. If the employee refuses to sign the evaluation form, the rater will annotate this information on the form along with the reason given for the refusal. In any case, the rater and the rater's supervisor will sign the completed evaluation.
      3. Rater Training (GLECP 4.8d)
        1. Raters will receive training in the use of the Agency's Employee Performance Review form prior to the annual evaluation period. A sample form is attached to this policy.
      4. Agency Employee Performance Review Form Measurement Definitions (GLECP 4.8a)

        The following notes offer an explanation of ratings and describe standards of performance. They should be taken as general illustrations of the standard expected rather than as comprehensive definitions. Raters should use their own judgment in determining other factors that should be taken into account in particular work situations.

        1. EXCELLENT: Performance exceeded the requirements of the job in several important requirements and significant work above and beyond the responsibilities of the job was achieved.
        2. GOOD: Performance met job requirements in all important areas with extra requirements effort evident in quality, quantity, timeliness or some other important dimensions of performance.
        3. SATISFACTORY: Performance met job requirements in all important areas.
        4. FAIR: Performance met job requirements but improvements would be desirable in one or more areas.
        5. POOR: Performance was below job requirements in one or more important areas and immediate improvement will be required. The overall job performance rating is simply a summary of the overall effectiveness in the job of the individual being appraised. The overall rating should take into consideration the relative weight or importance of the individual tasks and use an arithmetical average of the individual ratings allocated against the task to determine overall job performance.
      5. Completing the Agency Employee Performance Review Form (GLECP 4.8b)

        Completing the appraisal form must be carried out conscientiously if full benefit is to be derived by the individual and the Agency. The evaluation should be done on the basis of the job that the employee has at present.

        In each section of the form, consider the following:

        1. Job Knowledge

          Consider how well the employee understands all phases of the assigned work and mastering the methods and techniques required to do the job. Also, consider the employee's ability to handle additional related problems or to fill in occasionally on other operations or assignments.

        2. Work Quality

          Consider the accuracy and thoroughness of the work performed by the employee during the rating period as shown by how well the work has conformed to quality standards. Also consider the workmanship, neatness, and appearance of the work.

        3. Attendance/Punctuality

          Consider how regularly the employee is at work, how frequently they are late, how often extended lunch periods are taken, and how often the employee requests to leave work before quitting time. Also, consider excessive time spent away from the job during working hours.

        4. Initiative

          Consider how well the employee takes initiative in performing their duties without having to be reminded. Also, consider how often they initiate extra work for themselves without supervision.

        5. Communication/Listening Skills

          Consider how well they communicate with their chain of command, their subordinates, the community, and other college/agency personnel. Do they listen and respond in a polite manner to everyone they meet? Do they carry out their job assignments without having to be remained repeatedly?

        6. Dependability

          Consider if they are dependable in matters or their work assignments and their responsibilities. Can you trust them to get the job done correctly?

        7. vii. Comments

          Comments should always be made to substantiate numerical ratings and it may be easier to write the comments first, rather than assign ratings first which have to be justified later.

        8. viii. Overall Rating

          Total the points assigned to each category and divide by 6. This will give you the overall rating for the evaluation.

        9. vix. Evaluation — Additional Comments

          The rater should record under the section designated for "Evaluation" their evaluation of the performance in the various main tasks. Comments should be brief but should clearly reflect both strengths and weaknesses. Comments should include any weak and/or strong attributes

        10. Goals

          Employee and supervisor should develop goals to address any improvements needed to improve work performance and to address any objectives for the future growth of the employee.

        11. Verification of Review

          The rater and employee must sign and date the Agency Employee Performance Review Form.


    Refer to TCSG POLICY: 4.1.1p3. Interviewing and Selection Guidelines for matters regarding selection processes.

    1. Section VI.A.3 states:

      It is the responsibility of the hiring official(s), in conjunction with staff in the System Office or Technical College Office of Human Resources, to follow the guidelines addressed in this procedure to ensure better that the goals of objectivity and fairness of the application screening, interviewing and selection process are met. For these reasons, only job-related, non-discriminatory criteria may be used in the application screening, interviewing, and selection processes. Additionally, all such criteria must be established before beginning the selection process. (GLECP 4.9)

    2. Procedures for Promotion Process
      1. Evaluating the Promotional Potential of Candidates (TCSG Policy Manual VI. B. of Procedure 4.1.1p3. (III.B)) (GLECP 4.10a)

        To properly evaluate an applicant's potential for promotion, five areas should be considered:

        1. Whether the employee showed a pattern of performance deficiencies in his/her present and past assignments. Such shortcomings are especially meaningful if the performance is in an area that is also critical for the higher- level position.
        2. Whether the employee failed to acquire the credentials or qualifications required at the next level, even though provided with the opportunity to do so.
        3. Whether the employee demonstrated poor performance when given responsibilities similar to those in the higher position.
        4. Whether the employee has demonstrated exemplary performance in his/her present and past assignments and has shown leadership capability when provided with such opportunities. v. Whether the qualifications of the individual considered for promotion exceed those of other applicants.
      2. Administering Written Tests, If Utilized (TCSG Policy Manual VI. B.b.v. of 4.1.1p3. (III.B)) (GLECP 4.10b)
      3. Oral Interviews Prior to Appointment to Probationary Status (VI. B.b.ii. of 4.1.1p3. (III.B)
        1. The Chief of Police or their designee shall conduct an oral interview in such a way as to ascertain personal attributes, characteristics, qualities, knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employee, prior to appointment to probationary status. (GLECP 4.10d)
      4. Procedures for Review and Appeal
        1. All candidates for promotion/transfer will be given the opportunity to review the contents of their promotional file. Upon request, the Chief of Police, or their designee, will schedule a time to conduct the review and provide the candidate with the contents of the file, to include all scores and evaluations related to their performance.
        2. Employees that wish to appeal a performance plan or evaluation must use the process outlined in TCSG Policy Manual Procedure: 4.4.4p. (III.G.1) Performance Management. (GLECP 4.10e)
      5. Re-application (GLECP 4.10f)
        1. Any individual who is determined to be ineligible may reapply for promotion upon reaching the eligibility requirement, but only during the next announced application period.
      6. Lateral Vacancies (GLECP 4.10g)
        1. Any candidate for a lateral entry position must meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in the position classification for that position.
        2. The selection process for lateral entry positions may utilize any or all of the aforementioned selection components, and may include an assessment center.
        3. Agency employees may be required to test for positions with outside applicants. When equally qualified candidates are available both within and outside the Agency, the selection decision should favor the Agency employee.
      7. Assessment Centers (GLECP 4.10c)

        Assessment centers may be used as part of the promotional process. Whenever an assessment center is used, the following standards will be used as criteria:

        1. Measures dimensions, attributes, characteristics, qualities, skills, abilities, or knowledge specified in a written job task analysis;
        2. Uses multiple assessors who are thoroughly trained prior to participating in a center;
        3. Uses techniques designed to provide information which is used in evaluating the dimensions, attributes, or qualities previously determined;
        4. Uses multiple assessment techniques, one of which may be a simulation;
        5. Uses simulation exercises that have been pre-tested prior to use to ensure that the techniques provide reliable, objective, and relevant information and that the exercises are job-related;
        6. Bases judgments resulting in an outcome on pooled information from assessors and techniques;
        7. Announces the dimensions to be evaluated in a written directive;
        8. Uses a form or forms to record and document the observations of assessors at each stage of the process; and
        9. Provides participants, upon request, with written rationale and information concerning the dimensions, ratings, and recommendations of the center.
      8. Security of Promotional Material (GLECP 4.10h)
        1. All promotional material shall be stored in a locked cabinet in the office of the Chief of Police or in the Human Resources Department per their regulations. Promotional materials may be disposed of per the State of Georgia Retention Schedule.
    1. The agency will conduct audits and inspections of designated law enforcement operations and tasks on a both a scheduled and unannounced frequency.
    2. All inspections, audits, inventories, reviews and reports listed in the Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program will be completed as required by the applicable GLECP standard. These include:
      1. All annual compliance reports for the GLECP Process; (GLECP 3.9a)
      2. GLECP certification contracts; (GLECP 3.9b)
      3. on-site assessment reports; and (GLECP 3.9c)
      4. waiver approval documentation. (GLECP 3.9d)
    3. Other items to include are revealed in their respective TCSG Law Enforcement Operations Policy and Procedures Manual Chapters, such as the written review of pursuit reports (GLECP 6.6k), written review of Use of Force incidents, the GACP Pursuit Data Collection Form (GLECP 6.6l) and others.
    4. All inspections/audits shall be conducted in a manner that respects the dignity of all agency personnel and conducted in a professional manner.
    5. Each audit/inspection shall be recorded in writing.
      1. Specific examples of positive and negative issues, if observed, shall be identified.
      2. This report shall be forwarded directly to the TCSG College Chief of Police
    6. Follow Up - Each audit/inspection report that identified a deficiency or area of concern shall result in a follow-up audit/inspection within one month of the discovery of the deficiency.
    7. Retention - All reports of audit/inspections shall be maintained in a secure location for as long as is required by the Georgia Retention Schedule.