Procedure 3.5.1(p)3 LTC Use of Personal Mobile Devices (PMD) for Business Communications

Definition of Personal Mobile Devices (PMD): Any portable electronic device capable of sending and receiving e-mail and/or accessing business data via wireless or cellular connection. The most common examples of this would be cellular phones and connected tablets.

Definition of Business Communications: Any e-mail, data or other communications transmitted to orfrom LTC's systems. Also includes any other business related communications regardless of source, destination or technology.

  1. Lanier Technical College (LTC) will use Mobile Device Management (MDM) software to encrypt andmanage remote device e-mail and data services for all PMD users. The product will be required tomeet all TCSG security requirements while keeping corporate mail separate from the user's personaldata and allows selective application of security policy to business applications and data only.
  2. Business e-mail, data and other communications are the property of LTC regardless of where theyare stored.
  3. Any personal mobile device used for business communications is subject to search and/orseizure in the event of a legal requirement for such. This includes personal devices.
  4. There is no guarantee or expectation of privacy for any communications or data (personal orotherwise) stored on a PMD used for business communications.
  5. Any LTC or personal mobile device used for business communications is subject to remote wipeof all device contents in case of loss, theft, or if the business data contained therein is consideredat risk.
  6. LTC personnel are responsible for securing their devices to prevent non-public data from being lost orcompromised. Information not intended for public dissemination should never be transmitted via PMD.
  7. Any personal mobile device used for business communications must be password, pattern or PINprotected at all times when not in use.
  8. If supported by the device, when the password, pattern or PIN is incorrectly entered ten times thedevice must reset to factory defaults (all data erased).
  9. If supported by the device, encryption must be enabled.
  10. LTC personnel must abide by all municipal, state and federal laws pertaining to the use ofpersonal mobile devices.
  11. Loss or theft of a PMD used for business communications must immediately be reported to yourInformation Security Officer or Administrator. The ISO/ISA or their designee will assist the user inremotely wiping their device using OWA tools or a third party application such as Android Lost. If thedevice cannot be remotely wiped the user must immediately notify their carrier and request that thedevice be wiped clean and disabled.
  12. All LTC employees that use PMDs for business communications, LTC-owned or personal mustagree to and sign the PMD for Business Communications Terms of Use document (ISG-06a.1),which will be kept in the employee's personnel file.
  13. These guidelines will be revised based on changing information security requirements.