5.1.3lp Program Advisory Committees

Adopted: January 27, 2011
Modified: April 2014; October 30, 2017
Scope: Faculty
Contact: Vice President of Academic Affairs
References: State Board of Technical Education System of Georgia Policy 5.1.3

Per SBTCSG Policy 5.1.3, each Lanier Technical College occupational training program or group of programs has an advisory committee composed of at least three business/industry professionals and labor decision-makers. Program advisory committees plan and operate as extensions of the College by providing programmatic assistance under an annual program of work.


The program advisory committee provides expert support to the program by promoting interaction between the program and business and industry professionals. Support focuses on planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating the occupational program. It functions in the following ways:

  1. Assists with developing short-range and long-range plans
  2. Provides advice regarding curriculum content to ensure that courses relate to present and future employment needs
  3. Provides advice on the appropriateness of instructional methods
  4. Makes recommendations regarding the modification, addition, or deletion of course offerings
  5. Supports the program through public relations activities
  6. Makes recommendations regarding the design and use of physical facilities
  7. Makes recommendations regarding the selection and maintenance of equipment
  8. Assists in evaluation of program effectiveness, job development, job placement, program promotion, program standards, program advocacy, and industrial/professional support of the program


Membership of the program advisory committees is primarily composed of (1) a cross-section representation of persons in the industry/profession served by the program, (2) persons within the community and employment market who positively impact the program, and (3) and Lanier Technical College faculty as ex officio members.

The committee elects officers each year, including a chairperson and a secretary. As ex officio members, program faculty cannot serve as officers.


Program advisory committees meet a minimum of two times annually on a scheduled basis, normally in the spring and in the fall.

Each advisory committee must have an annual program of work which should include all of the committee's functions but could also include special projects such as a fund-raising activity, a community survey on behalf of the program, or research of a particular piece of equipment, etc. All members may have input into the agenda, but the chairperson assists program faculty in developing the agenda for each meeting and directs the activities of the Committee at meetings. A quorum must be present to conduct business officially at each meeting.


Program advisory committees maintain minutes of each meeting specifying date, agenda, members present, members absent, and recommendations. These minutes also provide documentation for Performance Accountability Reviews (PAR). Minutes of the previous meeting are distributed to each committee member prior to each meeting. A copy of all minutes must be forwarded to the Academic Affairs Secretary within ten days of the meeting.

The advisory committee maintains an open file of minutes and other necessary documents for a minimum of three years. There should be at least two sets of minutes yearly (one for each meeting) for each of the three years in the respective program office files and in the Performance Accountability Review (PAR) files.

All instructional programs are required to use the Technical College Systems of Georgia (TCSG) program standards and guides which provide the minimum guidelines for course competency, contact hours, and prerequisites. In order to meet these standards, all classes must begin and end at the scheduled times.