February 15, 2021
According to Findmedicalassisantprograms.org, Lanier Technical College’s Medical Assisting (MA) Program has been recognized second-overall among the Top Accredited Medical Assistant Programs and Schools in Georgia for 2021. Characteristics such as tuition fee affordability, number of courses, student-faculty ratio, retention rates, financial aid, placement services, counseling services and satisfied students helped determine the standard. The MA Program at Lanier Tech has previously received several awards. In April of 2020, the MA Program gained national recognition for being one of the best-valued MA Programs in the country. The Medical Assisting program is offered at four of Lanier Tech’s campuses.
Learn more about this achievement:
14 Best Accredited Medical Assistant Programs in Georgia 2021 (findmedicalassistantprograms.org)
Program Page:
Medical Assisting – Lanier Technical College
Lanier Technical College has a 100 percent job placement rate five out seven years in a row. The College offers over 50 programs of study in some of the nation’s fastest-growing career fields including healthcare, energy, business and industry, and public or private service. Lanier Technical College is a Unit of the Technical College System of Georgia. For more information about Lanier Technical College, visit www.laniertech.edu or phone 770-533-7000.