Technical Specialist

   Program Description

Enrolling in the Technical Specialist Certificate is a great way to begin your college career. This certificate provides classes in areas including English, math, humanities, science, psychology, and speech, which are easily transferable to any University System College or University. No matter what program of study you decide to pursue, all programs begin with these general education core courses; therefore, if you are currently unsure what career path you want to follow, you can enroll in this certificate and make progress toward your future degree without having to decide right away about your major.

Students who enroll in the Technical Specialist Certificate will benefit from Lanier Technical College’s small classes with more individualized support, and best of all, they can get their general education core credits at a much lower tuition than at a University System College or University. This certificate is also eligible for the HOPE Grant, which does not have a GPA requirement. If your high school grades were not quite up to HOPE Scholarship requirements, you can take your general education courses at Lanier Technical College and receive the HOPE Grant to help further defray the cost of an already affordable tuition. It’s a win-win situation: You get general education course credits that transfer to any USG College or University, and you save your hard-earned money.

   Campuses Offered

  • Barrow
  • Dawson
  • Forsyth
  • Hall
  • Jackson
  • Online

   Program Advisors

Logan Smith

English Instructor General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext: 6961 Academic Program: General Education

Student Success Center – Forsyth

General Education
Work Phone: 678-341​-6659

Student Success Center – Hall

General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7107
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext: 6643 Academic Program: General Education

Thushara Thomas

Chemistry Program Director Academic Affairs
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext: 7103 Academic Program: General Education

Ahamadou Timbely

Mathematics Instructor General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext: 7081 Academic Program: General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7077 Academic Program: General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext: 4536 Academic Program: General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7103 Academic Program: General Education

Jeffrey Williams

Sociology Instructor General Education
Work Phone: 770-533-7000 Ext.7101 Academic Program: General Education
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