Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

QEP logo

Do you have questions about QEP? Just ask.

Susan Baker

Director of Academic Success Phone: 678-341-6603 Website: Student Success Center Academic Program: General Education

Lanier Technical College’s Quality Enhancement Plan(QEP) is an essential part of the college’s reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

SACSCOC defines the QEP as a “carefully designed and focused course of action that addresses a well-defined topic or issue related to enhancing student learning”.

After reviewing the data collected from the faculty, students, and college advisors, the QEP Design Team has defined Lanier Technical College’s QEP as “improving student learning in the math Learning Support program”.

Information about the QEP

To identify an appropriate QEP topic, the College appointed a QEP Topic Selection Team who drew upon existing data from assessment and reports the College has in place, and supplemented these data with additional research and with surveys that involved a broad cross-section of LTC stakeholders. LTC’s topic selection process was designed to use researched-based data drawn from across the range of stakeholders to identify a QEP topic that improves student learning while advancing the College’s progress toward accomplishing its mission.

The Topic Selection Team declared Lanier Tech’s QEP topic to be math.

In order to refine the topic and to identify overall strategies and goals, the College appointed a QEP Design Team. Based on data collected from faculty and student focus groups, The QEP Design Team refined Lanier Technical College’s QEP as improving student learning in the math Learning Support program.

Slogan and Logo

Lanier Tech is creating a “Quality Enhancement Plan” to improve student success in the MATH Learning Support Program.


Now we needed a logo!

Create a logo based on the slogan: Math Multiplies Opportunities!

The student with the winning entry wins an iPad Mini!

  • The contest was open to all currently enrolled LTC students.
  • Entries were submitted via Lanier Tech student email, in jpeg format to: qep@laniertech.edu by 12:00 pm Monday, April 27, 2015.
  • The winning entry was voted on by the students, faculty, and staff. Final approval by the QEP Design Committee. The winner was announced Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
  • Please be creative, but do not infringe on existing copyright.

The purpose of the logo is to raise awareness of LTC’s 5-year QEP plan. The winning entry will be used as a college-wide marketing tool.

By entering this contest, the entrant understands and agrees that the submitted logo will be used as marketing material and becomes the property of Lanier Technical College and will be used exclusively by that institution.

Ilse Hayakawa, a Radiologic Technology student, wins the iPad Mini with her Math Multiplies Opportunities logo!

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) logo contest was a great success, with 17 Lanier Tech students submitting entries. Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff voted, with the winning entry designed by Ilse Hayakawa.

Ilse, a "RadTech" student, is in her second semester at the Oakwood campus. Ilse applied her artistic skills learned in high school to create the winning logo. She explained that she was “inspired by the QEP slogan, Math Multiplies Opportunities and the Lanier Tech logo colors.”

The winning prize, an iPad Mini, was awarded to Ilse by Lanier Tech’s President, Dr. Ray Perren. Members of the QEP Design Committee, Susan Baker, Amy O’Dell, and Christian Tetzlaff were also present to congratulate Ilse on her achievement. The Lanier Tech Student Government Association sponsored the iPad Mini.

Lanier Tech’s QEP Design Team is currently developing a redesign of the Math Learning Support Program. Math Learning Support classes in the new format will be offered in January 2016.

Thank you to the students who entered the contest, and congratulations to Ilse Hayakawa!

Spring Semester 2014: QEP Topic Selection Team is Announced, Data is analyzed, Surveys completed by Advisory Committees

Summer Semester 2014: Questionnaires completed by LTC Foundation and Local Board, Topic ideas are narrowed and sub-committees are established, Final Topic is chosen and approved by LTC Leadership Team

Fall Semester 2014: QEP Design Team is Announced, Focus Groups held with faculty and students

Spring Semester 2015: QEP topic is refined and finalized, Goals and Strategies are identified, Slogan is written, Student Logo Contest is held, QEP Consultant is identified

Summer and Fall 2015: Redesign of the Math Learning Support Program

Spring 2016: Re-designed Math Learning Support classes will be offered to new students for pilot program.

Summer 2016: New Math Learning Support classes will be offered to new students for pilot program.

Fall 2016 and beyond: Re-designed Math Learning Support classes will be offered to all currently enrolled students at Lanier Tech.

QEP Implementation Team:

Susan Baker, Chair
Rushia Cooper, Marketing Coordinator
Sylvia Garcia-Faircloth, minutes
Ashlee Allen
Sarah Davis
Chris DeRepentigny
Dan Enzmann
Barbie Gallimore
Marlene Haller
Tim Thomas
Ahamadou Timbley
Matt Walls
Mike Winterhalter
Dawn Woods
Kathy Alden, ex-officio
Nancy Beaver, ex-officio
Donna Brinson, ex-officio
John Dunbar, ex-officio
Brad Gadberry, ex-officio
Christian Tetzlaff, ex-officio
Joanne Tolleson, ex-officio

QEP Topic Selection Team:

Susan Baker, Math Instructor
Nancy Beaver, VP of Student Affairs
Mike Brandt, Welding Instructor
Mari Lynn Burdeshaw, Secretary to Dir of IE
David Byers, Dental Hygiene Program Director
Johnna Connell, Medical Assisting Instructor
Sherry Crane, GOAL Student
Larry Cranford, Management/Marketing Instructor
Brad Gadberry, Director of IE
Beth Hefner, ECCE Instructor
Annamarie Keck, Student/GOAL Runner-Up
Howard Ledford, Dean of Jackson Campus/Interim Dean of Gen Ed
Theresa Lindsey, BAT Instructor
Cheree Madison, Psychology Instructor
Jason Palmer, English Instructor
Kari Register, Special Pops Coordinator
Allison Summerour, Board of Directors Vice Chair
Kathryn Summey, Director of Library Services
Christian Tetzlaff, Motorsports Instructor
Joanne Tolleson, VP of IE & Operations
Bob Wells, Radiologic Program Director/Instructor

QEP Design Team:

Janice Alves, Math Instructor
Susan Baker, Math Instructor
Nancy Beaver, VP of Student Affairs
Donna Brinson, Dean, Professional Services
Johnna Connell, Medical Assisting Instructor
Laura Elder, VP of Administrative Services
Brad Gadberry, Director of IE
Dr. Tavarez Holston, VP of Academic Affairs
Kevin Jarvis, Coordinator of Evening Programs
Theresa Lindsey, BAT Instructor
Cheree Madison, Psychology Instructor
Angelia Medlin, Distance Learning Coordinator
Amy McGehee, Math Instructor
Karen Minor, Exec. Assistant to the President
Amy O’Dell, Div. Chair, Professional Services
Dr. Ray Perren, President Lanier Technical College
Jeff Shrader, Div. Chair, General Education
Christian Tetzlaff, Motorsports Instructor
Kathryn Thompson, Director of Library Services
Dr. Joanne Tolleson, VP of IE & Operations
Jennifer Von Almen, Exec. Assistant to VP of IE & Operations

Frequently Asked Questions

A Quality Enhancement Plan is a significant effort that SACSCOC-accredited colleges undertake each ten years to improve some aspect of student learning. The plan helps enhance student learning at LTC by identifying a need or an area that presents opportunities for improvement to help students achieve their educational goals.
Through fall of 2014 and spring of 2015, the College analyzed data from a number of reports, focus groups, and surveys. A broad range of Lanier Tech stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, advisory board members, and community leaders shared their ideas to identify a topic that would have a lasting effect throughout the College. After multiple sessions to review and discuss these results, the College selected improving student success in Math Learning Support courses as LTC’s QEP topic... “Math multiplies opportunities!”
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is the regional accrediting body for degree-granting institutions of higher education in the Southern states of the U.S. Every 10 years, SACSCOC evaluates LTC on a variety of standards to reaffirm accreditation, as it does with all its participating institutions.

Accreditation is a way to assure that an educational institution is offering a quality education. The process includes research-based evaluation of the institution’s programs. SACSCOC lists the standards they require on their website, www.sacscoc.org.

Accreditation is one way in which LTC demonstrates quality to students, parents, and the community. Because LTC is regionally accredited by SACSCOC, our students are eligible for federal financial aid and a number of courses taken at Lanier Tech will transfer to four-year colleges.

The QEP Design Team is currently developing a redesign of the Math Learning Support Program. Math Learning Support classes in the new format will be offered in January 2016.