Accessibility Services is dedicated to ensuring an equal opportunity so students feel empowered to participate in curriculum, programs, and activities. This office assists students with disabilities to effectively utilize resources they may need and acts as a student advocate with instructors and staff to implement appropriate and reasonable accommodations and services, as supported by their documentation. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Accessibility Services will work to accommodate those students who are significantly impacted by a condition that is considered disabling, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and psychiatric disorders. The Office of Accessibility Services is the primary contact for all Lanier Tech students with disabilities.
To establish eligibility for accommodations, students must contact the Office of Accessibility Services. The student is responsible for requesting services.
To start the process, please review the Request Accommodations page, and review the procedures for applying for accommodations and submitting supporting documentation.
If you have questions regarding disability accommodations, please contact:
Veronica Bowermaster
Accessibility Services Coordinator
678-989-3133 fax
Telephone numbers are accessible to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing through the Georgia Relay by dialing 711 or 1-800-255-0056 from a TTY/TDD.